So it seems I haven't been writing in a long while. Hi blog!
Right, quick updates. I somehow managed to get myself into hospital care for 6 days because of dengue fever. That landed myself into a lot of mess afterwards. And when I was sick. I couldn't participate in the annual festival our department had this year. It was literally right before my eyes. I got really sick like seconds before it started. So that plan got listed out.
And so afterwards, there was the final exam. I almost couldn't attend it. My mom and grandma had been saying that I should just take the supplementary exam. No way jose. I won't take my exams alone. Too scary. As a result of my stubbornness, they're tailing me 24/7 for that whole week. And almost had me home on Monday, right after finishing my last exam the next week. Lucky my aunt's coming to Bandung that very same week.
And now, all those plans on backpacking to Jogja, Semarang, maybe even Jember got cancelled. All because of that stupid mosquito that bit me and got me hospitalized and weak and everything. Again, I can only watch as my plans slowly faded. Ah, life. Couldn't get any sweeter than this, 'aight?
AAANYWAY! Gw abis ubek ubek favorites. Banyak banget dan random banget sih gw favorite-in tweet orang. Ga penting semua lagi. Terus di tengah tengah segala quotes, videos, dan gambar gambar yang gw save, nemu satu nyempil tentang Sindrom Cotard. Deskripsi di twitter mah kayak okay gitu. Gw malah kepikiran bakal make buat future OC. Pas iseng googling, nemu di wiki.......................
Serem. Jadi nggak tega bikin karakter yang penyakitnya itu. It's like making zombies. Heu.
Jadi intinya ini cuma posting di kala bosan. Dan random. Dan lupa kemaren kemaren mau posting apa disini. Keburu lewat, keburu lupa. Yaudahlahya yang penting masih inget punya blog.
Catch ya later!
Right, quick updates. I somehow managed to get myself into hospital care for 6 days because of dengue fever. That landed myself into a lot of mess afterwards. And when I was sick. I couldn't participate in the annual festival our department had this year. It was literally right before my eyes. I got really sick like seconds before it started. So that plan got listed out.
And so afterwards, there was the final exam. I almost couldn't attend it. My mom and grandma had been saying that I should just take the supplementary exam. No way jose. I won't take my exams alone. Too scary. As a result of my stubbornness, they're tailing me 24/7 for that whole week. And almost had me home on Monday, right after finishing my last exam the next week. Lucky my aunt's coming to Bandung that very same week.
And now, all those plans on backpacking to Jogja, Semarang, maybe even Jember got cancelled. All because of that stupid mosquito that bit me and got me hospitalized and weak and everything. Again, I can only watch as my plans slowly faded. Ah, life. Couldn't get any sweeter than this, 'aight?
AAANYWAY! Gw abis ubek ubek favorites. Banyak banget dan random banget sih gw favorite-in tweet orang. Ga penting semua lagi. Terus di tengah tengah segala quotes, videos, dan gambar gambar yang gw save, nemu satu nyempil tentang Sindrom Cotard. Deskripsi di twitter mah kayak okay gitu. Gw malah kepikiran bakal make buat future OC. Pas iseng googling, nemu di wiki.......................
The Cotard delusion, Cotard's syndrome, or Walking Corpse Syndrome[1] is a rare mental disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.
The central symptom in Cotard's syndrome is the delusion of negation. Those who suffer from this illness often deny that they exist or that a certain portion of their body exists. Cotard's syndrome has been found to have three distinct stages. In the first stage – Germination – patients exhibit psychotic depression and hypochondriacal symptoms. The second stage – Blooming – is characterized by the full blown development of the syndrome and the delusions of negation. The third stage – Chronic – is characterized by severe delusions and chronic depression.
People with the Cotard Delusion often become withdrawn from others and they tend to neglect their own hygiene and well-being. The delusion makes it impossible for patients to make sense of reality, which results in an extremely distorted view of the world. This delusion is often found in psychotic patients suffering from schizophrenia. While Cotard's Syndrome doesn't necessitate hallucinations, the strong delusions are comparable to those found in schizophrenic patients
Serem. Jadi nggak tega bikin karakter yang penyakitnya itu. It's like making zombies. Heu.
Jadi intinya ini cuma posting di kala bosan. Dan random. Dan lupa kemaren kemaren mau posting apa disini. Keburu lewat, keburu lupa. Yaudahlahya yang penting masih inget punya blog.
Catch ya later!
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