call it reasons

... or anything you like.

Call it PMS. Call it my attitude towards things when it didn't work out the way I want it. Call it whimpy reasons for not admitting that I've done wrong.


This week feels like a total coaster ride. I really had my ups and downs, far too close to one another it seems like I have double personalities. Like, one minute I'm in rage, the next I just wanna cry, and then puff! There goes my mood. I'm as happy as a sunshine. And those stupid, pain-in-the-ass mood swings is because of my lack of performance in EVERYTHING. Maybe I overthink it, maybe I'm actually not that bad. Whatever. I just.... feel that I've been missing something since that last TP game with Beavers. I'm a ship-wreck, a total havoc.

My head do stay in the game. I do focus on every pitch that I throw. But it's not what everybody see. Maybe they're right, maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe not both. What I know is that I felt this nervous feeling all over again like the one I felt when I was playing as a starter in one of those Junior games.

And it sucks. And I hate being sucks.

(Who would want it really.....)

Tauk ah. Dari yang bisa gw simpulkan dari kata-kataan orang dan apa yang ada di kepala gw sendiri, gw kebanyakan mikir gegara semester 2 mulai. Dan yeah, beban gegara ngerasa udah ada diatas. Ga boleh. Ga boleh. Harus balik ke bawah. Dan harus ga mikirin apapun itu takdir yang menunggu gw di sekolah. Harus fokus.


I miss having a head full of positive things and positive attitude, really.
