assuming that I'm just a normal teenage girl

Is it normal to have such un-teenage thoughts?

These days when I don't have (or want) anything to think of, my mind constantly questioned myself. Like, "Who am I? What's your color? Which one's the true you?" and stuff like that.

Dan gw terus-terusan balik ke konklusi yang--menurut gw--sangat subjektif. Karena jatohnya jadi kayak gw seenaknya nge-judge diri gw sendiri. Is it normal or is it not? Am I lack of confidence or am I just plain selfish to try to define myself? It's like I keep thinking about every little things, every little details in my life. And the first thought that always come to my mind when I start thinking about those things is the thoughts that I wanna see. Not the actual reality that I should see.

Teenage girls should only think about their future.
Teenage girls should only think about friendships.
Teenage girls should only think about how to spent their youths.
Teenage girls should only think about their love life.

..... or is it just a shallow thought of mine to judge us, teenagers, like that?
