
..... aku ikut Study Tour satu angkatan sama sekolahku. Dimulai dari tanggal 22 Juni 2011, sampai dengan 24 Juni 2011....

Hari itu, Selasa 22 Juni 2011. Dare not I say it went smooth from the very beginning. Our buses (we used up 2 buses, each contains 52 students) took the Kalideres - Jakarta - Bandung route. Not the usual,
short-but-maybe-got-a-long-traffic-waiting, Cikokol - Jakarta - Bandung. It wasn't a big deal, so we kind of just raised our eyebrows and, nevertheless, continue our have-fun-go-mad on bus 2, the IPA 4, 5, and 6's bus. We didn't sing when the travel people asked us to. But we did sing along when Indira (@indirawgt) started singing with her loud voice, not with the microphone. We can't resist Indira. No one can (especially Azka) B)

Skipping our lunch, we went straight to Jatinangor. To UNPAD's Literature Faculty, when we were supposed to be in UNPAD's Medical Faculty first. Damn the travel people. We had to walk up a
"mendaki gunung lewati lembah" way from Literature Fac. to Medical Fac. Friggin' tired. Made us wonder how does it feels like when people from Lit. Fac. and Med. Fac. are dating. Must be tiring.

We started off the complaints on lunch. Parbet. Kita makan kayak di
hall gitu, prasmanan. Dengan makanan yang nyaris tidak bisa dibilang pantas untuk harga 450 ribu yang kita keluarin buat ikut study tour ini. Nasi masih ada item-itemnya, ayam goreng ada yang masih berbulu, wortel ujungnya masih berakar. It was endless. Kita malah sampe nyaris nggak sempet shalat Dzuhur. Akhirnya acara berikutnya, Saung Angklung Udjo, dipindahin ke besok dan waktunya kita pake shalat. Baru deh, pada belanja di Jalan Riau. Sementara saya malah makan sosis bareng IPA 5. Mehehehe.

Dan rentetan kalimat komplain kembali berlanjut dengan lebih ganas ketika rombongan sampai di penginapan. It was--awful, horrible, and terrifying. You almost couldn't picture anything worse for a place where 104 people sleep. If our numbers were just--say, 50 to 60 people, maybe the place won't look that bad. But this, with 104 of us, we were forced to
"empet-empetan" and "bersarden ria" together to sleep. To be woken up at 5 am the next day. And bathed with a freakin' cold water? Nope, fortunately not. The teachers managed to get a place at next door "wisma" which had hot water for us to use. Thank God.

Things started to get better from ITB. Jadwal pertama hari kedua emang ITB dulu. Yang seharusnya sebelum berangkat disuguhin makan dulu, malah disuguhinnya setelah presentasi ITB kelar. Alhamdulillah, tidak ada ayam berbulu, wortel berakar dan nasi berbatu. Alhamdulillah dikasih makannya McD, meski dapetnya jam 11 siang. Mepet makan siang banget. Abis itu baru kita ke Saung Angklung Udjo. Dimana anak-anak cowok heboh liat
mojang-mojang Bandung anu garareulis tea. Dan anak cewek diem-diem jejeritan liat akang-akang Bandung anu kararasep (terutama..... yang tidak ada tapi ada :p). Dan semuanya heboh teriak-teriak liat anak-anak kecil lucu-lucu. Pedobear abis deh kesannya.

Baru deh makan siang di bus. We got Hoka Hoka Bento, YAY! A major upgrade from what we got the day before. We didn't manage to stay on the schedule again, so we skipped some activities and went to Cihampelas for another shopping schedule. I didn't buy any clothes, though. Just some snacks for family and friends. We waited almost a thousand years for Bebew (@ariefadhika) to satisfy his shopaholic needs.

It was then that we (or maybe just me) believed that we were blessed from the second day onwards. Tempat nginepnya ganti, dengan tempat yang udah disurvei dulu sama Bu Titin sebelum ditinggali sama kita. Tempatnya SUPER ASIK! Meski nggak sebagus Holiday Inn atau Hilton, tapi ini upgrade super dari tempat sebelumnya. Kalau yang sebelumnya satu kamar 12 orang harus empet-empetan, ini satu kamar 10 orang itu sangat lega. Makanya kita memutuskan untuk bergabung bersama. IPA 5 cewek-cewek 14 orang, dalam satu kamar. Dengan dua kamar mandi dan fasilitas air panas (dan kamar ber-AC dan bertempat tidur beneran), akhirnya semua puas.

Malemnya, semua turun ke bawah. We were supposed to be having our dinner. We did anyway, of course. But before that, there was some speech time from Bu Suarni, Bebew, and the travel person. Saying sorry and such. After dinner, they ordered us to make "yel-yel". We're lucky to have Indira by our side. But still, the process took a lot of time. We just finished our performance planning when IPA 1 started to perform. We managed to get the third place. Yay us for the
"super acak-acakan dan jayus" performance!

Then we headed to sleep. Yang kurang ajarnya, anak-anak pada mau nonton Dunia Lain bareng-bareng. Anjrit pisan. Ya nggak ikut, tidur duluan sama Icha Prilly (@Rizprill) sebelum si DL itu mulai. Alhamdulillah tidurnya pules, sampe besoknya baru bangun jam setengah 6 disaat jam setengah 7 sudah harus siap. Dan antri buat mandi sudah memanjang. Yasudah pasrah, tidur lagi sampe ada kamar mandi tersedia. Dan ternyata bukan cuma kamar kita doang yang begitu. Yang lain pun. Sama saja. Semua baru sarapan sekitar jam 7. Semua baru siap sekitar jam setengah 9. Akhirnya batal ke Ciater. Jadinya ke Kampung Gajah aja, lalu kita disuruh jalan-jalan sendiri dulu.

Yang lucu adalah, Bosscha. Some girls wanted to go to Bosscha, which was only 2 kilometers from our inn. Ceha (@cehakartika) and Dewanti (@dewantick) were included. They decided to ride
"ojek". Cengtri. With only 30 minutes before the buses were scheduled to go. I don't know the fully detailed story, but it seemed like they had a miscommunication with the driver. They were taken to "penangkaran buaya" just--5 to 10 minutes walk from our inn. The others found this very annoying. But Ceha and Dewanti just laughed at it when they got back. IPA 5 truly is Papyrus, LOL (kidding, IPA 3)

We took a picture first, together with banners, in front of the inn. Abis itu cabut deh, ke Kampung Gajah. Meski menguras tenaga dan biaya, tapi overally kita seneng. Pada awalnya. Kita ngantri naik tubby. Terus yang tadinya mau naik ATV, nggak jadi. Akhirnya saya dan Fitri (@AilamaIrtif) memutuskan untuk ganti naik Sky Rider. Keren gila. Tegangnya cuma pas dipasang safetynya doang. Pas turun sih--keren! Karena posisinya melayang, jadinya berasa kayak terbang. Kayak Superman.

Sayang, keadaan nggak bertambah baik dari situ. We got a call. One of our teacher, Bu Tutik, died. All of us were ordered to return back to the bus immediately to go back to Tangerang. We were planning on going straight to either the hospital or the house. But we got stuck on the road. And Bu Tutik was already moved to Jogja, where she was planning to be buried by her family. I didn't really know Bu Tutik. Or her son, Putu. But I felt sorry.

May you rest in peace, Bu Tutik. And be strong, Putu.

..... itu ceritaku. Ceritamu?
